In Your Book It Is Written

  • Post category:VictoryWorship
  • Reading time:6 mins read

One of my favorite movies is Jane EyreIt”s ranked right alongside my other favorite two,Hacksaw Ridge and Greyhound.It might seem a bit unusualto find a romance tuckedamongst the violence and horrorfaced by brave men at war,but truly all battles begin in the heart.If you’ve ever read the classicor watched the movie,you might recall a line…

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A Sketchy Start Meets a Way Far Superior End

”Do you trust Me?” I was making my bed when I heard these words.The Voice was ever so kindand the exact opposite of some other voices I’d been hearing.Peace beckoned and it felt likean open pair of arms.It was a not-of-this-world kind of Peace that defied logic and wasn’t the norm in my experience. I…

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Truth Now Come Gives Me a Colorful Dream

  • Post category:RedemptionVictory
  • Reading time:6 mins read

”The Word gave life to everything that was created,and His life brought light to everyone.The light shines in the darkness,land the darkness can never extinguish it!”John 1: 4-5 NLT Oh heart of mine stop! Look up!Turn yourself around in order to see better!Examine closely; take note!Reach out in anticipation ofHigher!Study hard to show thyself approved!The…

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🎶 Making Room for The True Number One

  • Post category:Worship
  • Reading time:11 mins read

“But You, O LORD, be exalted foreverin the highest place of endless glory!”Psalm 92:8 TPT Herein lies the Placewhere everything is laid down to restand the Holiness of the GREAT I AMSurrounds and Saturates me in Loving Careas He gently and methodicallyexposes every lie I think is Truth.It is the Place where every enemymeets its…

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