
  • Hope
  • 3 mins read


I saw some shapes within my tree
but found they really wasn’t.
A bird, an eye, a be, a three,
I believed them all to be there present.
But then a breeze began to blow
and the leaves began a shiftin’.
Turns out the things I thought I’d seen
weren’t real…only imagined.

“A voice was saying,
“Cry out!”
And another said,
”What should I cry out?”

I wanted to choose to believe for the best,
share with You my innermost thoughts;
to be strong and encouraging
when burdens became worrisome,
even while perceiving little,
to no, response.

“All humanity is grass,
and all its goodness
is like the flower of the field.

The grass withers,
and the flower fades…”

Disillusioned by the games
and all the lies that people say,
I’m no longer willing
to be so kind or quite so giving.
No need they be privy
to the certain things
that make me different,
they’ll only be good at breaking them.

“When the breath of the LORD blows on them;
indeed, the people are revealed
to be nothing but grass.”

This is the last straw.
You can go ahead
and give up on me now.
It’s rather obvious
I’ve given up on myself.
What I’d been hoping to find
and dreamt about for so long
is too tiny a drop
in a great big bucket.
I’m not so sure I can trust
Your heart towards me at this time;
I doubt any good thing
can make any real difference.
Hard on the heals of such
bitter disappointment
I find things I’d thought real,
utterly corrupted.

No, I can’t pray
for anyone right now.
I can’t even find strength
to pray for myself.
Jesus, are You still
up in Heaven
yet a prayin’?
If You are,
You’re the only One.
The big bad wolf
has come along,
not only to huff
and to puff,
He has blown
about me

“The grass withers and the flowers fade
but the word of the LORD remains forever!”
Isaiah 40:6-8 HCSB

It would seem
that all along
my posture
has been
all wrong!
What a lark!
Silly rabbit!
Trix are for kids!

“I gave My back to those who beat Me,
and my cheeks to those who tore out My beard.
I did not hide my face from scorn and spitting.”
Isaiah 50:6 HCSB

Amazing grace
how sweet the sound!
It saved a wretch like me!
You saw this day coming,
made care-filled preparations
for me in this crisis.
When what I needed to see
and hear most
just this moment,
when I felt everything
to be lost…

You showed me
it wasn’t.

“I pray with great faith for you
because I am fully convinced
that the One Who began
this gracious work in you
will faithfully continue the process
of maturing you
until the unveiling
of our LORD Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 1:6 TPT