”The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and His life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness,
land the darkness can never extinguish it!”
John 1: 4-5 NLT

Oh heart of mine stop! Look up!
Turn yourself around
in order to see better!
Examine closely; take note!
Reach out
in anticipation of
Study hard to show
thyself approved!
The Light is come;
a life and death matter!
“The LORD has a pleading contention
with the inhabitants of the land
because there is no truth,
no faithfulness,
no true love,
pity and mercy.
There is no Kindness,
no knowledge of GOD
from personal experience.
My people perish
for lack of knowledge!
They stumble in the day
and in the night as well!
Hosea 4: 1, 5-6 AMPC
(slightly edited and condensed)

…It seems to be lacking something…
but the One Who brought me
forth from my mother’s womb
has ever been so faithfully
working to fill in
all the details.
Mystery and Wonder,
Color, Design, and Number;
I submit every bit of it
and me to His ministry
even as I continue to
get to know Him better!
Studying GOD’S Word
reveals His Heart
to the letter!
Who better to learn from
than my Creator!

He’s taught me Truth!
His words will not return to Him empty!
He’s given A LOT of instruction
that is sure to accomplish
the purpose for which He sent it!
It cost Jesus a high, high price
to get The Message: A Cross!
Contrary to the familiar adage,
ignorance is NOT Bliss!
Every part of my life
is in His Story,
I’ve been learning to trust
in GOD’S process.
Any misalignment on my part,
even in ignorance,
is tantamount to my
writing my name
on top of the Signature
of Somebody Else!
Though it appears
an intelligible scribble
in my eyes
doesn’t mean it’s meant
to be negated!
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you
which path to take.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT
I love You so much
but even so
in my Pursuit
I make so many mistakes!
How thankful I am
for Your lovingkindness
and faithful provision!
You clearly see
my greatest need
You’ve determined
I make it up, over and thru
The Course!
Let me not be lazy
but remain diligent!
“The Lord God is my strength
[my source of courage, my invincible army];
He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet
and He makes me to walk [forward with spiritual confidence]
on my high places [of challenge and responsibility].”
Habakkuk 3:19 AMP

For Your gifts and Your call are irrevocable.
You never withdraw them when once they are given.
You do not change Your mind about those
to whom You give Your grace
or to whom You send Your call.
Romans 11:29 in the AMPC version,
edited by Way
of applying the use
of a more personal pronoun.
It sheds light on the fact
that the Gentle Whispers I hear
have inspired in me
a unique and beautiful dream
that entirely encompasses
the word:
which in turn employs
a super duper important term:
“And I will send you the Divine Encourager
from the very presence of my Father.
He will come to you, the Spirit of Truth,
emanating from the Father,
and He will speak to you about Me.
And you will tell everyone the truth about Me,
for you have walked with Me from the start.”
John 15:26-27 TPT