Immersing Myself in the Verse of the Day

Last night I was beat; absolutely exhausted.It wasn’t that it had been a bad day by any means.there just seemed to be a lot going on.So many threads to think about and consider,countless details to sift and sort, layer upon layer upon layer;a whole stack of things that quite simply putoperate and exist outside my…

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The Imprint of a Dove

  • Post category:Encouragement
  • Reading time:4 mins read

“The Angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him[who revere and worship Him with awe]and each of them He delivers.”Psalm 34:7 AMPC Hello, friend … I have a picture I’d like to share with you.A lot of doves have been roosting around our house recently.They’re perched along our fence lines and sitting high…

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