“But You, O LORD, be exalted forever
in the highest place of endless glory!”
Psalm 92:8 TPT
Herein lies the Place
where everything is laid down to rest
and the Holiness of the GREAT I AM
Surrounds and Saturates me
in Loving Care
as He gently and methodically
exposes every lie I think is Truth.
It is the Place where every enemy
meets its end to become His footstool
and where every crown and every doubt
are laid at His feet.

I find space for what I treasure 🎶
and I make time for what I want
I choose my priorities and
🎶 Jesus, You’re my Number One
”…Wisdom comes when You adore Him
with undivided devotion
and avoid everything that’s wrong.
It will be health to your body
[your marrow, your nerves,
your sinews, your muscles —
all your inward parts —
and refreshment
(physical well being)
to your bones.
Proverbs 3:8 TPT/AMP

So I will make room for You
I will prepare for two 🎶
So You don’t feel that You
Can’t live here
Please live in me
“Don’t you realize that your body
is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
Who lives in you and was
given to you by God?
You do not belong to yourself!
You were bought with a price
[actually purchased with the
precious blood of Jesus and made His own].
So then, honor and glorify God with your body.”
1 Corinthians‬ â€6‬:â€19‬-20 NLT‬‬/AMP

🎶 Live in me, yes,
Please live in me, GOD,
I will make room for You
…Holy, Number One! 🎶
”It is a good and delightful thing
to give thanks to You, LORD;
to sing praises to Your name,
O Most High; to declare Your
lovingkindness in the morning
and Your faithfulness by night.”
Psalm 92:1 AMP

🎶 My will (You can move that over)
My way (You can move that over)
My ego (You can move that over)
My plans (You can move that over) 🎶
My schedule (You can move that over)
My itinerary (You can move that over)
For see I, I will make room for You
An act of Genuine, spiritual Worship!

My habits (You can move that over)
My attitude (You can move that over)
Whatever it is (You can move that over) 🎶
🎶 That’s not like You (You can move that over)
Whatever it is (You can move that over)
You can move it over (You can move that over)
See, yes, I will make room
“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions
of the culture around you,
but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit
through a total reformation of how you think!
This will empower you to discern God’s will
as you live a beautiful life,
satisfying and perfect in His eyes.”
â€â€Romans‬ â€12‬:â€2‬ â€TPT‬‬
Whatever it is (You can move that over) 🎶
That’s in Your way (You can move that over)
Whatever it is (You can move that over)
🎶 If it takes Your space (You can move that over)
See, whatever it is (You can move that over)
I don’t want it there (You can move that over)
See, I will make room

“… we have the mind of Christ
[to be guided by His thoughts and purposes].
LORD, I’m shouting with glee
over all You’ve done,
for all You’ve done for me;
what mighty miracles
and Your power at work —
Depths of purpose and layers of meaning
saturate all You do!”
1 Corinthians 2:16 AMP/Psalm 92:4-5 TPT
I wanna seek You first (You can move that over) 🎶
Get the old things out of the way (You can move that over)
I wanna seek You first (You can move that over)
Move it all out of the way (You can move that over)
See, whatever it is (You can move it over)
🎶 LORD, I just want You (You can move that over)
See, yes, I will make room
”Your anointing has made me strong and mighty!

You’ve empowered my life for triumph
by pouring fresh oil over me!”
Psalm 92:10 TPT
See whatever it is (You can move that over)
You can move it all (You can move that over)
Please just move it all (You can move that over)
Help me move it all (You can move that over) 🎶
🎶 Jesus I (You can move that over)
I just want You to know (You can move that over)
That I will make room

”You have made me strong as a wild ox!
You have anointed me with the finest oil!
My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies!
My ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents!
Psalm 92:11 NLT
I find space for what I treasure 🎶
and I make time for what I want
I choose my priorities and
🎶 Jesus, You’re my Number One!
Album: Make Room
Written by: Jonathan Caleb McReynolds
Released: 2018

“The righteous will flourish like a date palm
[long lived, upright and useful];
they will grow like a cedar in Lebanon
[majestic and stable]!
Planted in the house of the LORD,
they will flourish in the courts of our GOD!
[Growing in grace]
they will thrive and bear fruit
and prosper in their old age!
They will flourish and be
vital and fresh
[rich in trust and love
and contentment];
[They are living memorials]
to declare that the LORD is upright
and faithful to His promises!”
Psalm 92:12-15 AMP

Thank You, Jesus; I love you!
Thanks to you too, Mr. McReynolds,
for sharing your God-given talents with us!
The lyrics to your song pair perfectly
with the Word given us in Jesus’ name!
And last, but by no means least,
a big thank you to all the Bitmoji peeps
who have a part in the development, function and design
of these super cool avatars that punctuate
and express so well!